
Data Intelligence – AI and ML are recognized for unveiling insights in big data through algorithms. Utilizing ML and AI techniques, we reveal patterns and knowledge within vast datasets. Data science applies competencies for iterative explorations, acknowledging that immediate solutions in big data, with its large volumes and high velocities, aren’t guaranteed. The dynamic nature requires patience and continuous investigation to extract valuable insights, emphasizing the nuanced approach needed in the complex realm of big data.

DataIntelligence As A Service

Data intelligence, a strategy applied to big data by combining artificial intelligence and machine learning, is delivering so much to businesses. When we combine the speed of emerging technologies with alternative cloud paradigms, we get superior results at a low cost. The evolution of mobile applications on top of this will eventually lead to much better outcomes anyway. All this is on the condition of having quality data, not just any data.

In coming times, data intelligence services will be a most eminent application that will be provisioning prototypes for security measures to truly fortify the DIaaS. However, it is important to acknowledge that the application of ML and AI techniques to big data, with its inherent characteristics of large volumes and high velocities, may not always yield immediate solutions or outcomes.


The traditional 360-degree view of customer experience is no longer relevant; this needs more length. So a 720-degree view is now enabling service companies to crack the code on what the 21st-century customer expects, like behavior analytics. Nothing can be more exciting than telling a customer you bought a particular brand of clothing; others have also bought these perfumes to make it complete, and yes, this has to be more data-driven.

The confluence of big data, big strategy, big computing powers, and a big hunger for new businesses can turn artificial intelligence into a gold mine. Having a system that studies intelligent methods and learns from data science and the data environment is best for this business. Examples include computational intelligence and metaheuristics.

Data Science of DataIntelligence

Data science will be one of the primary expressions of big data in the subsequent decade, as its emergence should become much more apparent in the coming 12 months, largely due to the maturing influence of AI and the data intelligence techniques themselves. The year 2018 will see additional organizations experiment with ways those capabilities render big data less daunting and perhaps even more enjoyable.

There are certain market dynamics that determine the growth of data and its related analytics. That’s where Data Intelligence’s adaptive dynamics come into play to assess the factors driving the organization to adapt their existing, profitable lines of business. This helps them stay relevant in the rapidly evolving world and is an enormous help for the Blue Ocean Shift strategy.

Artificial Intelligence needs a strong data foundation, which helps to transform data into insights and make a complete solution engagement capability. This includes Intelligent BI strategists, Intelligent BI analysts, data intelligence warehouse architects, data scientists, and implementation and development experts.

“DataIntelligence  can be used to explore the external business environments like industry trends, markets and other competitive factors”

The transformation of data into Intelligence (data intelligence) is the highest stage that many service-provider organizations ever reach in the data pyramid. Data is collected from many sources, cleansed, and finally turned into valuable reports that are used internally to measure performance. In addition, it also incorporates social and other external data sources to enrich and enhance information-based management.

Data Transformation to DataIntelligence

Smart Data System: This will be an outcome of establishing data architecture, suitable data models, and data intelligence warehouses by extending diagnostic analytics to different domains. It will allow many businesses to expand their thought process and business view beyond traditional business intelligence applications and scientific applications based on descriptive analytics.

  1. Descriptive: A set of techniques for reviewing and examining the data set(s) to understand the data and analyze business performance.
  2. Diagnostic: A set of techniques for determining what has happened and why
  3. Predictive: A set of techniques that analyze current and historical data to determine what is most likely to (not) happen
  4. Prescriptive: A set of techniques for computationally developing and analyzing alternatives that can become courses of action – either tactical or strategic – that may discover the unexpected
  5. Decisive: A set of techniques for visualizing information and recommending courses of action to facilitate human decision-making when presented with a set of alternatives.

Driving factors include high demand for automation of analytics services, demand for data-driven decision marketing, and an increase in productivity and revenue. Data intelligence is used to explore the external business environment (i.e., industries, markets, and other competitive factors).

Data Intelligence Ecosystems – From Ponds to Cosmos

The terms “Data pond,” “Data lake,” “Data ocean,” and “Data cosmos” are metaphorical representations of different stages in data management, symbolizing increasing complexity and scale. Each term signifies a progression in the volume, diversity, and interconnectedness of data within an organization.

Data Intelligence

These metaphors help convey the scale, complexity, and capabilities of different data management stages within an organization. The progression suggests an evolution towards broader and more sophisticated data ecosystems.

Intelligence for Data

If done correctly, using data intelligence can help businesses make a lot of money, no matter what they do. There are two ways to do this: make more money or avoid making bad investment decisions. It’s important that analytics models can be a strong help in telling you what to do and predicting what will happen, so that bad situations are less likely to happen, as we talked about before.

There is a big need to predict things in different industries. One reason is that some people who work in the industry and people who are experts in data may not know enough about this topic. And no, I’m not being sarcastic. Did you use your data effectively? By analysing your data, you can find the best solutions for your business strategy.


We need to understand that market research is different because it only looks at what customers like. Lots of people are paying a tonne of money to get and use old information that can be in lots of different forms and is changing fast. On the other hand, a robust security management framework determines policies, procedures, and guidelines for how we work with sensitive business information.

Unlike smart contracts, which help you exchange money, property, shares, or anything of value in a transparent, conflict-free way while avoiding the services of a middleman purely based on data intelligence based on blockchain technologies,

Sign-tConclusion: Dynamic demands, changing environments, and disorganized and non-procedural situations influence businesses on an almost daily basis.The crux of Data Intelligence follows: “Better data cleansed and synched in real-time across channels and networks helps in planning meticulously, implementing efficiently, launching flawlessly, and triggering actionable opportunities.  Some organizations build long-term strategies out of historical views. This majestic error has directed business actions in the wrong direction for years.

Feedback & Further Questions

Do you have any burning questions about Big Data, “AI & ML“, Blockchain, FinTech,Theoretical PhysicsPhotography or Fujifilm(SLRs or Lenses)? Please feel free to ask your question either by leaving a comment or by sending me an email. I will do my best to quench your curiosity

Points to Note:

All credits if any remains on the original contributor only. We have covered all basics around data which is all about quality data, computing power and algorithms to look for information. In the upcoming post, we will also see how data gets manipulated for the wrong reasons.  Generative Adversarial Networks. A family of artificial neural networks.

Books + Other readings Referred

  • Research through open internet, news portals, white papers and imparted knowledge via live conferences & lectures.
  • Lab and hands-on experience of  @AILabPage (Self-taught learners group) members.

By V Sharma

A seasoned technology specialist with over 22 years of experience, I specialise in fintech and possess extensive expertise in integrating fintech with trust (blockchain), technology (AI and ML), and data (data science). My expertise includes advanced analytics, machine learning, and blockchain (including trust assessment, tokenization, and digital assets). I have a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions in mobile financial services (such as cross-border remittances, mobile money, mobile banking, and payments), IT service management, software engineering, and mobile telecom (including mobile data, billing, and prepaid charging services). With a successful history of launching start-ups and business units on a global scale, I offer hands-on experience in both engineering and business strategy. In my leisure time, I'm a blogger, a passionate physics enthusiast, and a self-proclaimed photography aficionado.

5 thoughts on “Data Intelligence as a Service – DataIntelligence”
  1. Douglas Diam says:

    Very well Articulated … DIaaS

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